Warner Bros.
- 3,18 (11)Marble Madness (1989)
- Panic in the Park (1995)
- 2,50 (1)3 Skulls of the Toltecs (1996)
- 2,00 (1)
- 3,73 (54)Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996)
- 3,00 (1)Striker '96 (1996)
- 3,08 (58)
- 3,21 (12)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2003)
Alternatieve titel: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (included games) - 3,74 (34)Batman Begins (2005)
- 3,83 (6)
- 2,00 (1)
- 4,00 (1)
- 0,50 (1)Justice League Heroes (2006)
- 3,93 (7)Tom and Jerry Tales (2006)
- 3,17 (3)300: March to Glory (2007)
- 2,75 (2)Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
- 4,75 (4)Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal (2007)
- 4,25 (2)Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck (2007)
- 3,52 (66)
- 3,75 (2)
- 3,72 (69)
- 2,50 (5)Space Chimps (2008)
- 2,00 (11)
- 3,64 (90)Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008)
- 4,28 (325)Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
- 3,87 (132)F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (2009)
- Fun Park (2009)
- Game Party 3 (2009)
- 4,00 (2)LEGO Battles (2009)
- 3,67 (12)LEGO Rock Band (2009)
- 3,67 (3)
- Queen Teen: The Clique (2009)
- 2,88 (4)
- 2,88 (4)
- 3,69 (21)Scribblenauts (2009)
- Tale Of Despereaux, The (2009)
- 2,63 (30)Terminator Salvation (2009)
- 3,50 (1)TouchMaster 3 (2009)
- 3,21 (35)Wanted: Weapons of Fate (2009)
- 2,50 (12)Watchmen: The End Is Nigh (2009)
- 1,50 (1)
- 3,50 (3)Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
- 3,20 (5)
- Galactic Taz Ball (2010)
- 2,00 (1)Game Party: In Motion (2010)
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010)
Alternatieve titel: Legende van Ga’Hoole: de Game - 3,89 (38)
- 4,50 (1)
- 3,29 (7)Super Scribblenauts (2010)
- 3,50 (1)
- Vacation Isle: Beach Party (2010)
- 3,83 (33)Bastion (2011)
- 4,23 (182)
- Batman: Arkham City Lockdown (2011)
- 3,43 (54)
- 3,50 (2)
- 4,03 (20)LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (2011)
- 3,50 (1)
- 3,77 (30)
- 3,85 (88)
- 3,50 (1)Sesame Street: Ready, Set, Grover! (2011)
Alternatieve titel: Sesamstraat: Klaar Voor de Start, Grover! - 4,10 (59)Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, The (2011)
Alternatieve titel: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition - 3,29 (19)
- Game Party Champions (2012)
- 2,83 (6)Gotham City Impostors (2012)
- 3,00 (2)Guardians of Middle-Earth (2012)
- Harry Potter for Kinect (2012)
- 3,54 (13)
- 3,70 (22)
- 3,94 (17)Lollipop Chainsaw (2012)
- 3,35 (10)Scribblenauts Unlimited (2012)
- 3,50 (1)Spy Hunter (2012)
- 3,76 (49)Batman: Arkham Origins (2013)
- 3,20 (5)
- 3,66 (28)
- 3,84 (16)LEGO City Undercover (2013)
- LEGO Friends (2013)
- 3,88 (20)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (2013)
- 3,50 (3)
- Young Justice: Legacy (2013)
- 3,50 (3)
- 3,00 (6)
- 3,25 (4)LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014)
- 2,92 (6)LEGO Movie Videogame, The (2014)
- LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids (2014)
- 3,44 (8)LEGO The Hobbit (2014)
- 3,75 (62)
- 3,77 (65)Batman: Arkham Knight (2015)
- 3,00 (6)
- 3,62 (4)
- 2,60 (5)