- Space Harrier 3-D (1988)
- 3,50 (5)
- Super Thunder Blade (1988)
- Tetris (1988)
- 4,25 (2)Vigilante (1988)
- 2,25 (6)Alex Kidd High-Tech World (1989)
- 2,75 (6)
- Basketball Nightmare (1989)
- Battle Out Run (1989)
- 4,50 (2)Crack Down (1989)
- 4,00 (2)
- 3,00 (1)Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes (1989)
Alternatieve titel: Dragon Slayer VI: The Legend of Heroes - 5,00 (1)Dungeon Explorer (1989)
- Dynamite Duke (1989)
- 3,50 (2)Dynamite Düx (1989)
- 2,00 (1)
- 2,00 (1)
- 3,57 (44)
- Gangster Town (1989)
- 3,32 (83)Golden Axe (1989)
- Herzog Zwei (1989)
- 4,00 (1)
- Line of Fire (1989)
- 2,50 (1)Midnight Resistance (1989)
- 3,25 (4)Phantasy Star II (1989)
- 3,45 (22)
- 3,00 (1)
- 3,00 (1)R.C. Grand Prix (1989)
- 3,50 (11)
- 4,25 (2)
- 3,50 (1)SpellCaster (1989)
- 3,45 (10)
- 2,00 (2)Super Monaco GP (1989)
- 3,50 (1)
- 2,95 (10)Turbo OutRun (1989)
- 3,75 (8)
- Wrestle War (1989)
- 3,00 (1)
- 3,00 (1)Zero Wing (1989)
- Zoom! (1989)
- 2,50 (1)Aerial Assault (1990)
- 3,50 (7)Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (1990)
- Arrow Flash (1990)
- 2,83 (9)California Games II (1990)
- 3,76 (29)
- 3,00 (1)
- 3,21 (24)
- 2,50 (1)Cyber Shinobi, The (1990)
- Danan: The Jungle Fighter (1990)
- 4,00 (1)Dick Tracy (1990)
- Double Hawk (1990)
- 3,50 (1)
- 3,21 (7)Ghostbusters (1990)
- Joe Montana Football (1990)
- 4,50 (2)
- 2,73 (39)Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (1990)
- 3,00 (2)
- 3,00 (7)Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (1990)
- 3,00 (1)Space Gun (1990)
- 3,70 (5)
- Submarine Attack (1990)
- Valis III (1990)
- 3,95 (10)Wing Commander (1990)
- 2,75 (26)
- 3,17 (3)Alien Storm (1991)
- 3,50 (2)Astérix (1991)
- 4,00 (1)
- 3,25 (8)
- 3,30 (5)
- 3,82 (14)
- 4,00 (1)Factory Panic (1991)
- 3,50 (3)
- 4,00 (1)
- 3,12 (16)
- 1,80 (5)Fatal Labyrinth (1991)
- 3,36 (7)Golden Axe II (1991)
- 2,50 (1)
- 4,00 (1)Jewel Master (1991)
- 1,90 (5)
- Laser Ghost (1991)
- 3,17 (3)Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck, The (1991)
Alternatieve titel: Lucky Dime starring Donald Duck - 4,00 (3)
- 3,50 (1)
- 4,14 (14)