
Games / Algemeen / Hoe kun je fysieke games het beste verzamelen als beginner?

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Dit artikel/ "mijn ervaringen" van tips and tricks was meer bedoeld voor een youtube video, al dacht ik ineens aan mijn mede Nederlanders en waarom niet Gamesmeter?
Dus onderstaand is Engels en hopelijk is het leesbaar.

Hello and welcome to my Beginners guide to collecting physical videogames.
PS: My mother language is Dutch and so my English may look strange at times.

First of all there are a lot of websites and youtube video’s here to help you.
Got a few links here: (not created by myself)
A Guide to Collecting Video Games (Record Head)
The Retro Game Collecting Handbook (gamedesigning)
A Beginner's Guide to Collecting Video Games
Youtube link van een andere verzamelaar

My own experience is this:
I made a lot of mistakes during the entire collecting proces.
Even after a few years i made mistakes, although also made great moves from time to time.
My mistake is mainly buying commercial retail priced ps5 and ps4 games for example.
My advice is to not buy AAA commercial games that will drop down in price very quickly.
Mainly focus on physical indie games for switch, ps4 and ps5 for example!
Legacy/retro system games can be very expansive. But read and look at the links above for great tips and tricks if you want to find retro/legacy games!
But definitely go for ps3 and x360 games because they can be very cheap!

My advice for a very first game collector is eventually going for physical switch, ps4 and ps5 games.
Especially Indie games from Limited Run Games for example.
But my problem with limitedrungames is that you have to pay with purple dot or something and it’s a pain to ship to my country (in this case the netherlands) with extra taxes and stuff.
Sometimes i do buy limitedrungames but only at websites in my own country.
Sometimes the prices can be towards 50-70 euro’s or something.
For example i got turok 1 limitedrun for 40 euro’s, turok 2 for 50 euro’s and turok 3 for 60 euro’s. From a store/website in my country. I was so happy when the collection was complete.

For European collector’s like me, these are great websites:
Red Art Games
Pix’n Love
Strictly Limited Games

At other website’s in you’re own country you will also find lots of indie games from publishers like MERGE GAMES, ININ GAMES, TESURA GAMES, HUMBLE GAMES, TEAM17 etc.

Other priorities i would recommend is collecting Jrpg’s and Shmup’s.
Doesn’t matter if it’s for Switch, PS4 or PS5. It’s a matter of preference and availability.

You can also make use of the STEAM website: STEAM
Here you can find a lot of indie games and user reviews that will help you decide if you want to buy a certain physical switch, ps4 or ps5 game etc.

Back in 2022 i made a huge step in starting to create a physical Nintendo 3DS game collection.
Within two weeks i spend 1100 euro’s on a new 3ds XL+new 2DS xl (both in perfect condition from a second hand website in my country) and lot’s and lot’s of great games including all the bravely default and dragon quest games for example.
Lot’s of money and i’m still happy i made the decision.
Vagarious/whimsical actions like that can be a hit or a miss. Be carefull with vagarious moments and decisions! But sometimes you can trust them.
Game collecting can sometimes be like gambling.
Will a certain game drop in price very easily or go up in price? Most of the time you will never know.
Will the price go up when you buy a physical game with limited copies made? Yes it will and that’s mostly the case.

How does it all at up and how the balance can be restored?
This is wat happens a lot of time.
Sometimes you buy a game for let’s say 60 euro’s (retail and even certain jrpg’s) or 35 euro’s (for example a game in sale within a few months) and then at a certain point you will see the same game (after a year or later) for let’s say 15 euro’s in sale.
But in return you will find other games for 10, 15 and 20 euro’s that you’ve skipped in the past or looked over.
Don’t think to much about certain mistakes you’ve made.
You will bring back the balance and equation in some other way.
But again; try to skip most AAA retail priced games and wait for great 20-35 euro’s sales or something like that.
JRPG’s can be tricky. So buying certain Jrpg’s at retail price is no problem if you want to play the game right away.

Otherwise resort to gamepass if you have an xbox and it will help you from time to time.
I sometimes use cdkeys for 3 month gamepass keys (sometimes i skip a few months to safe money) and cost like 28 euro’s.
It saved me a lot of money in the past and helped me decide to buy certain physical copies for switch, xbox or playstation.

I’ve talked about certain games going up in price.
But that’s not really my focus and i’ll never really sell any of my games.
Some collectors keep certain games sealed and sell them at a high price.
But they are not real collectors in my opinion. More like scalpers with a lot of patience.
Only for earning a few 50-200 euro’s (or sometimes higher prices ofcourse) more in the future.
I live from day to day and that’s how i collect. Not for future plans or wathever.
Most games i unseal because i want to play them and because discs in covers are loose a lot of time.

But as a starter collector i think that the EVERCADE is a great place to be.
Evercade website
Not all game collections are great. So look for reviews and mainly go for the indie games like xeno crisis, demons of asteborg and cathedral etc.

ENJOY collecting and collect something great!

Voeg commentaar/reacties toe voor meer tips & tricks en help je mede game verzamelaar! DANK U!

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